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亚洲体育博彩平台的年度股东大会于2024年4月11日在Linköping举行. You will find the speeches of President and CEO Micael Johansson as well as of the Chairman of the Board Marcus Wallenberg on 亚洲体育博彩平台’s website: www.亚洲体育博彩平台.com/agm.


年度股东大会批准了母公司的损益表和资产负债表, 以及2023财政年度的综合损益表和资产负债表. 

年度股东大会决定派发6瑞典克朗的股息.给股东每股40英镑,分两次等额支付. 第一期为3瑞典克朗.每股20美元,记录日期为2024年4月15日星期一. 第二批为0瑞典克朗.每股80美元(假设实现4:1的股份分割),记录日期为周二, 2024年10月8日. Payment of the dividend is expected to be made from Euroclear Sweden AB on Thursday 18 April 2024 and Friday 11 October 2024, 分别.


根据提名委员会的建议, Anders Ynnerman was elected as new Board member and the following Board members were re-elected; Lena Erixon, Henrik Henriksson, Micael Johansson, 丹妮卡·克拉格奇·简森特, 约翰Menckel, Bert Nordberg, 埃里卡Söderberg约翰逊, 塞巴斯蒂安Tham, 马库斯·瓦伦堡和约金姆·韦斯特. 萨拉·马祖尔拒绝连任. 马库斯·瓦伦堡再次当选为董事会主席. 在年度股东大会之后的董事会会议上, Bert Nordberg再次当选为董事会副主席.

根据提名委员会的建议, the Annual General Meeting decided to re-elect PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as 审计师 until the close of the Annual General Meeting 2025.

股东大会决定, 根据提名委员会的建议, 董事会费用为2瑞典克朗,250,000英镑给董事会主席, 850瑞典克朗,给副主席1万英镑, 和740瑞典克朗,000 to each of the other Board members elected by the General Meeting and not employed by the Company. 审计委员会的工作报酬为360瑞典克朗,000瑞典克朗和230瑞典克朗,向其他审计委员会成员每人支付000英镑. 在薪酬委员会工作的报酬为195瑞典克朗,000瑞典克朗和115瑞典克朗,薪酬委员会其他委员各获发000元. 


The Annual General Meeting decided to approve the Board of Directors’ report on remuneration for the financial year 2023. 

The Annual General Meeting decided in accordance with the Board’s proposal of a long-term incentive programme 2025 (“LTI 2025”), 由三个部分组成:股份配股计划2025, 业绩股份计划2025和特殊项目激励2025. LTI 2025最多包括4个,400,000股B系列股票实行4:1的股权分割.

2025年股份匹配计划涵盖所有正式雇员. 参与者可以节省高达5%的现金基础工资, 购买亚洲体育博彩平台B系列股份. If the purchased shares are retained for three years and employment within the 亚洲体育博彩平台 Group continues, the employee will be granted a corresponding number of shares of series B by 亚洲体育博彩平台 不付对价. 课程最多包括2门课程,560,000股B系列股票实行4:1的股权分割.

The Performance Share Plan 2025 is directed at a maximum of 300 key employees including the CEO. 参与者最多可以节省7个.现金基础工资的5%用于购买亚洲体育博彩平台B系列股票. If the purchased shares are retained for three years and employment within the 亚洲体育博彩平台 Group continues, 员工有权获得业绩股份的配股, 不付对价, 前提是达到绩效目标. The programme entitles the employee to allotment of a maximum of 4-7 performance shares for each purchased share, 取决于所属的组. The number of performance shares is linked to five performance targets: organic sales growth (20-40% weighting), EBIT margin (20-40% weighting) and operational cash flow (20-40% weighting) during the financial year 2025, and CO2 reduction (5% weighting) during financial years 2025-2027 and increase of the percentage of female employees in the 亚洲体育博彩平台 group (5% weighting) by the end of the financial year 2027. 在总, 财务绩效目标将包括最高90%的分配, 这两个可持续发展目标分配了10%. 《亚洲体育博彩平台》最多包含1个股东,160,000股B系列股票实行4:1的股权分割.

Special Projects Incentive 2025 is directed at a maximum of 150 key employees, including the CEO. 《亚洲体育博彩平台》是《亚洲体育博彩平台》的补充. Participation in the programme also presupposes participation in the Performance Share Plan 2025 or the Share Matching Plan 2025. The programme entitles the employee to allotment of performance shares corresponding to a maximum of 15-52.2025财年基本现金工资的5%,视所属集团而定, 前提是聘期为三年,并达到工作表现指标. The allotment of performance shares is based on the achievement of ten to fifteen equally weighted performance targets during 2025, consisting of operational targets and milestones related to 亚洲体育博彩平台’s special projects within 亚洲体育博彩平台’s core areas Fighter Systems, 指挥及控制系统, 水下系统, 先进武器系统和传感器. Special projects can be linked to both the existing backlog and the development of future capabilities, 包括数字化, 在每个定义的核心区域内. 对于首席执行官和集团管理层的其他成员, 在该计划和《亚洲体育博彩平台》中分配业绩股份, may in total amount to a maximum of 75 per cent of the cash base salary for the CEO and 60 per cent of the cash base salary for the other members of the Group Management. 该方案最多涵盖680名学生,000股B系列股票实行4:1的股权分割.

The Annual General Meeting also decided to authorise the Board of Directors to decide on acquisition of a maximum of 1,100,000股B系列股票(或最多4股),400,000 shares of series B following implementation of the share split 4:1) to secure delivery of shares to participants in 亚洲体育博彩平台’s incentive programme. 大会进一步决定不超过1,100,000股B系列股票(或最多4股),400,在实施股份分割(4:1)后,B系列的000股股票可以转让, 不付对价, 给2025年LTI的参与者. Transfers are normally made during the financial year 2028 and in February 2029 according to the conditions for LTI 2025.

周年股东大会决定授权董事会, 在下次年度股东大会之前, decide on the acquisition of shares of series B up to a maximum of ten percent of the total number of shares in the Company. The purpose of the authorisation is to be able to adjust the Company’s capital structure and thereby contribute to an increased shareholder value as well as to enable a continuous use of acquired shares in connection with potential acquisitions of companies and, 在适用情况下, 的股份激励计划.

董事会进一步获授权, 在下次年度股东大会之前, 决定与收购公司有关的自己的股份转让. The purpose of the authorisation is to provide the Board of Directors with increased scope for action in connection with financing of acquisitions of companies.

会议还决定,公司有权, 考虑到前几年的既定奖励方案, 在下次年度股东大会之前, 超过证券交易所转让最多330笔,2,000股B系列股票(或1,000股),320,000 shares of series B after implementation of the share split 4:1) in order to cover certain expenses, 主要是社会保障支付.

The Annual General Meeting decided in accordance with the Board’s proposal on a share split and amendment to the articles of association, 据此,每一份应被分配, 无论级数如何, 分成四份. 董事会被授权决定股票分割的记录日期. 

公司共有135家,845,847股, 其中2个,383,903股是A系列股票,每股10票,133票,461,944股是B系列股票,每股一票, 总共有157个,300,974票. 本公司持有B系列自有股份2,385,547股,相当于2,385,547票. 


+46 (0)734 180 018

亚洲体育博彩平台是一家领先的国防和安全公司,有着持久的使命, 帮助各国保障人民和社会的安全. 由其22,000名人才, 亚洲体育博彩平台 constantly pushes the boundaries of technology to create a safer and more sustainable world. 亚洲体育博彩平台设计, 制造和维护先进的航空系统, 武器, 指挥与控制, 传感器和水下系统. 亚洲体育博彩平台总部设在瑞典. It has major operations all over the world and is part of the domestic defence capability of several nations.